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open weekdays 8am - 5pm
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Senior Collection Manager Ph.D. 2009 - Zoology, Minor: Museum Science, Texas Tech University M.S. 2003 - University of New Mexico B.S. 1993 - Biology, University of New Mexico |
Integrating natural history collections/biorepositories into emerging disease research and discovery
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Brooks, Daniel R., Eric P. Hoberg, Walter A. Boeger, Scott L. Gardner, Sabrina B.L. Araujo, Katalin Bajer, Sebastian Botero-Cañola, Brian Byrd, Gábor Földvári, Joseph A. Cook, Jonathan Dunnum, Altangerel Tsogtsaikhan Dursahinhan, László Zsolt Garamszegi, Dávid Herczeg, Alicia Juarrero, Ferenc Jakab, Gábor Kemenesi, Kornélia Kurucz, Virginia León-Règagnon, Hugo H. Mejía-Madrid, Orsolya Molnár, Richard A. Nisbett, Wolfgang Preiser, Michael Stuart, Eors Szathmary, Valeria Trivellone. 2020. Before the pandemic ends: Making sure this never happens again. World Complexity Science Academy Journal 1(1):1-16.
Phillips, Caleb D., Jonathan L. Dunnum, Robert C. Dowler, Lisa C. Bradley, Heath J. Garner, Kathryn A. MacDonald, Burton K. Lim, Marcia A. Revelez, Mariel L. Campbell, Holly L. Lutz, Nicté Ordóñez Garza, Joseph A. Cook, Robert D. Bradley, and the Systematic Collections Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists. 2019. Curatorial guidelines and standards of the American Society of Mammalogists for collections of genetic resources. Journal of Mammalogy 100(5): 1690-1694. gyz111, https://doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyz111.
Galbreath, Kurt E., Eric P. Hoberg, Joseph A. Cook, Blas Armién, Kayce C. Bell, Mariel L. Campbell, Jonathan L. Dunnum, A. T. Dursahinhan, R. P. Eckerlin, S. L. Gardner, S. E. Greiman, H. Henttonen, F. A. Jiménez, A. V. A. Koehler, B. Nyamsuren, V. V. Tkach, F. Torres-Pérez, A. Tsvetkova, and A. G. Hope. 2019. Building an integrated infrastructure for exploring biodiversity: field collections and archives of mammals and parasites. Journal of mammalogy 100(2):382-393.
Dunnum, Jonathan L., Bryan S. McLean, and Robert C. Dowler and the Systematic Collections Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists. 2018. Mammal collections of the Western Hemisphere: a survey and directory of collections. Journal of Mammalogy 99(6): 1307-1322.
Dunnum, J.L., Yanagihara, R., Johnson, K.M., Armien, B., Batsaikhan, N., Morgan, L., Cook, J. (2017). Biospecimen Repositories and Integrated Databases as Critical Infrastructure for Pathogen Discovery and Pathobiology Research. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(1): e0005133. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0005133.
J Cook, K Galbreath, K Bell, M Campbell, S Carrière, J P Colella, N G Dawson, J L Dunnum, R P Eckerlin, S E Greiman, V Fedorov, G M. S. Haas, V Haukisalmi, H Henttonen, A G Hope, D Jackson, T Jung, A V Koehler, J M Kinsella, D Kresja, S J Kutz, S Liphardt, S O MacDonald, J L Malaney, A Makarikov, J Martin, B S McLean, R Mulders, B Nyamsuren, S L Talbot, V Tkach, A Tsvetkova, H Toman, E C Waltari, J S Whitman, E P Hoberg. 2017. Arctic Museum Collections--Special Issue The Beringian Coevolution Project: Holistic Collections of Mammals and Associated Parasites Reveal Novel Perspectives on Evolutionary and Environmental Change in the North. Arctic Science, 10.1139/AS-2016-0042.
Cook, JA. SE. Greiman, SJ. Agosta, RP. Anderson, BS. Arbogast, RJ. Baker, W Boeger, RD. Bradley, DR. Brooks, R Cole, JR. Demboski, AP. Dobson, JL. Dunnum, RP. Eckerlin, J Esselstyn, KE. Galbreath, J Hawdon, HE. Hoekstra, SJ. Kutz, JE. Light, LE. Olson, BD. Patterson, JL. Patton, AJ. Phillips, E Rickart, DS. Rogers, ME. Siddall, VV. Tkach, EP. Hoberg. 2016. Transformational Principles for NEON Sampling of Mammalian Parasites and Pathogens: A Response to Springer and Colleagues. BioScience, 66 (11): 917-919.
Cook, Joseph, Bryan McLean, Donavan Jackson, Jocelyn Colella, Stephen Greiman, Vasyl Tkach, Thomas Jung, and Jonathan Dunnum. 2016. First record of the Holarctic Least Shrew (Sorex minutissimus) and associated helminths from Canada: New light on northern Pleistocene refugia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94(5):367-372.
McLean, Bryan S., Kayce C. Bell, Jonathan L. Dunnum, Bethany Abrahamson, Jocelyn P. Colella, Eleanor R. Deardorff, Jessica A. Weber, Amanda K. Jones, Fernando Salazar-Miralles, and Joseph A. Cook. 2016. Natural history collections-based research: progress, promise, and best practices. Journal of Mammalogy 97(1):287–297.
Dunnum, J. L. 2015. Family Caviidae, In Mammals of South America. Volume 2, Rodents, edited by J. L. Patton, U. F. J. Pardiñas, and G. D’Elía, Pp. 690-726. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Kryštufek, B., and J.L. Dunnum. 2012. On the history of European mammalogy. Mammalia76(4):351–353.
Dunnum, J.L., and J.A. Cook. 2012. Gerrit Smith Miller: his influence on the enduring legacy of natural history collections. Mammalia 76(4):365–373.
Dunnum , J.L., and J. Salazar-Bravo. 2010. Molecular systematics, taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Cavia (Rodentia: Caviidae). Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research 48(4):376–388.
Dunnum, J. L., and J. Salazar-Bravo. 2010. Phylogeny, evolution and systematics of the Galea musteloides complex (Rodentia: Caviidae). Journal of Mammalogy 91(1):243–259.
Dunnum, J. L., and J. Salazar-Bravo. 2006. Karyotypes of some members of the genus Cavia (Rodentia: Caviidae) from Bolivia. Journal of Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde 71(6):366-370.
Dunnum, J., and J. Salazar-Bravo. 2004. Dactylomys boliviensis. Mammalian Species No. 745:1-4.
R. R. Parmenter, T. L. Yates, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, J. L. Dunnum, A. Franklin, M. T. Friggens, B. Lubow, M. Miller, G. S. Olson, C. A. Parmenter, J. Pollard, E. Rexstad, T. Shenk, T. R. Stanley, and G. C. White. 2003. Small mammal density estimation: a field comparison of grid-based vs. web-based density estimators. Ecological Monographs 73(1):1-26.
Tinnin, D., Dunnum, J., Salazar-Bravo, J., Batsaikhan, N., Burt, M., and T. Yates. 2002. Contributions to the mammalogy of Mongolia, with a checklist of species for the country. Special Publications, Museum of Southwestern Biology no. 6. 38 pp.
Dunnum, J.L., Frey, J.K., Tinnin, D.S., Salazar-Bravo, J., and Yates, T.L. 2002. An elevational range extension for the hispid cotton rat,Sigmodon hispidus, (Rodentia: Muridae). Southwestern Naturalist 47(4):637-639.
Yates, T. L., J. N. Mills, C. A. Parmenter, T. G. Ksiazek, R. R. Parmenter, J. R. Vande Castle, C.H. Calisher, S. T. Nichol, K. D. Abbott, J. C. Young, M. L. Morrison, B. J. Beatty, J. L. Dunnum, J. Salazar-Bravo, R. J. Baker, and C. J. Peters. 2002. The ecology and evolutionary history of an emergent disease: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. Bioscience 52(11):989-998. * 2007 - Sustainability Science Award, Ecological Society of America.
Dunnum, J.L., Salazar-Bravo, J., and Yates, T.L. 2001. The Bolivian Bamboo Rat, Dactylomys boliviensis (Rodentia: Echimyidae), a new record for chromosome number in a mammal. Mammalian Biology, Zeitschrift für Saügetierkunde 66(2):121-126.
Parmenter, C. A., T. L. Yates, R. R. Parmenter, J. L. Dunnum. 1999. Statistical Sensitivity for Detection of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rodent Population Densities. Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases 5(1):118-125.
Parmenter, C.A, R.R. Parmenter, T.L. Yates, J.N. Mills, J.E. Childs, M.L. Campbell, J.L. Dunnum, J. Milner. 1998. Small mammal survival and trapability in mark-recapture monitoring programs for Hantavirus. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34(1):1-12.
Salazar Bravo, J., M.L. Campbell, S. Anderson, S.L. Gardner, J.L. Dunnum. 1994. New records of Bolivian mammals. Mammalia 58:125-130.